Friday, July 8, 2011

Back in the Saddle Again

Note: I'm switching over to Tumblr because Blogger is ghetto. I imported most of my old posts but the images didn't transfer. I'll work on getting them up.

Find me here:

It feels like a gazillion lifetimes since I've updated this blog. I let the man get to me. I decided to forsake my dream of becoming a florist for a job that will let me live comfortably. I'm a sell out. A phony. For shame.

But, I'm back. I'm always telling people, "do what you feel" (if you don't know this already, I'm kinda sorta into all that new-agey stuff like psychics, astrology and vibes) but I ignored my own advice. In my own defense, I got a job out of practical necessity. Good vibes may feed the soul but they sure aren't feeding my belly.

Then I started thinking about one of my other favorite mantras, "can't stop, won't stop."

I can't stop thinking about wanting to work with flowers and events and I won't stop till I'm doin' it.  So I'm back in the saddle again. It's gonna be a long road (mama's still gotta work to pay rent) but the metaphorical pony I'm riding is strong.

Much love.